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tv   Making Money With Charles Payne  FOX Business  February 22, 2018 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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also stay with us for a special two-hour lou dobbs tonight right here fox business, 7:00 p.m. eastern time. thank you for watching. charles payne is here with making money. charles rs -- charles: we have several stories we are watching. the dow and s & p both finished higher as investors try to shrug off the rising interest rates. but first we want to begin with president trump's push to promote school safety. president trump pushed for armed certain highly trained teachers in schools across the country to deter what he calls sickos. take a listen. president trump: if we don't have offensive measures within
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these schools, you are just kidding yourselves. i hear so many of these wonderful plans where you are going to live in this utopian school without any protection or guns or bullets flying at the perpetrator, the animal that wants to destroy the lives of families and children. unless you are going to have offensive capability, you are wasting your time. charles: is the president correct? are we wasting our time by not arming teachers in our schools? of course, we should remind the audience who may not be familiar with your story, you are also a columbine survivor. what was your impression of today's meeting? >> i was pretty impressed he actually reached out to us and was commenting back in a puck
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manner it wasn't a simple closed door meeting and i allowed the media in. on my specific issue he was spot on. we need to end the gun-free zones. it's like offering up ice cream to the killers. i think he's spot-on. we need too harden our targets in the schools. and defend good people. charles: certain teachers again they could be ex-military or have specific training and the willingness to take up the task. >> it will be different depending on on the school. but the policy we have now that basically creates a gun-free zone across the nation. it's something we need to address right away.
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charles: where could you stand with respect to more armed guards. a lot of talk about retired military being able to fill those holes. would that be something that will work in addition to armed teachers or could it be exclusive to them? >> i wouldn't be against armed guards in schools. i think the president agreed there is something to say when you send a message, this is not a gun-free zone. if you are a criminal intent on doing harm. we are going to arm people and you may not know we are armed. and you are going to take fierce opposition the moment you walk through those doors from someone protecting the students. i think armed guard can accomplish that in certain ways. but our teachers and other folks can do that as well. there is also the idea what the president talked about in a meeting. if you had teachers doing that,
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the student wouldn't give off the impression we are living in almost make our school into a jail of some sort. in addition, the fact that these teachers. you wouldn't know where they were coming from. when i was at columbine high school, we did have an armed guard. the killers waited nell was on lunch and that's when they entered the school. when you don't know where it's coming from, that's what gives the school the advantage. charles: . gina loudon, i can hear the clapping behind you. were you clapping today when you heard president trump forcefully pushing the idea that it may not be politically correct, but he thinks it's an honest answer
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keeping children safe having certain teachers be armed. what are your thoughts? >> i think it's a huging advantage that president trump is president right now to handle these shootings. he's beholding to no one. a lot of people voted for him for that very reason. and he wants to do what works. there is a psychology here that you and i talked about again and again. in this instance the element of surprise. if you have a plain clothed teacher who is tactically armed, besides the shooting that happened in my home state of florida, who else do you think might have lived if he had been armed other than having to block these children with his body. charles: i do have an update we
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just got in from the florida sheriff's department. i want to share with you guys. the florida sheriff says the deputy on duty waited outside the building for four minutes without ever going in. the sheriff announced during the thursday news conference deputy scott patterson resigned after being suspended without pay. israel said he made the decision add reviewing video surveillance and he said patterson responded to the building where the shooting took place and took up a pittsburgh outside the door but never went in. it gets more tragic as we get more of these details. this is something folks will talk about forking a long time. it does suggest that if you have a trained deputy that seems to be indecisive, can armed
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teachers make a split in second decision if they have to. >> i think they can. if they can and they are brave people, but they shouldn't have to defend their students by shielding them with their own bodies. sacrificing themselves giving up their lives. if they wish to take the training, no one should be forced to carry you a gun. if they are willing to carry a gun and get the training, there are former police and military people who offered to train people for free. the guns lose their mystique and they are lines of defense. you don't see all the other people -- when celebrities or the president, armed guards, we don't say they are in more danger. they are in less danger because they are protected. charles: the idea they would be
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concealed. if we get on the airplane we don't know in one of the passengers is an armed guard or not. and being able to mitigate them on the occasions that they do. >> we have such a gun phobia in this country. charles: except when we go to the movies. >> the important thing is maybe teachers out there are thinking i don't want to have to carey a gun. no one is talking about forcing anyone to carry a gun. this would be 10. > -- this would be100% voluntar. the bottom line is nobody again can walk unto a school and know for sure they have a safe haven to kill people. that's the whole end game here.
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>> the point you made, charles about deterrence is an extremely good one. in britain where i come from the rate of house burglary is far higher than it is in the united states. the reason it's lower is people think there is quite a substantial chance because of 30% of households have guns in them, i might get shot. so there is a deterrence. if you have got a gun-free school, it's an advertisement for someone who goes in with bad intention. if it's not a gun-free zone, they know it's a possibility they will be the ones who get shot. charles: i don't know if it's politically correct, but i agree. coming up, president trump
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confidently telling reporters he won't have to fight the nra over new gun laws. the nra telling a different tale. y to think that all money managers are pretty much the same. but while some push high commission investment products, fisher investments avoids them. some advisers have hidden and layered fees. fisher investments never does. and while some advisers are happy to earn commissions from you whether you do well or not, fisher investments fees are structured so we do better when you do better. maybe that's why most of our clients come from other money managers. fisher investments. clearly better money management. my doctor recommended i switch to miralax.on, stimulant laxatives make your body go by forcefully stimulating the nerves in your colon. miralax is different. it works with the water in your body to hydrate and soften. unblocking your system naturally. miralax. on the only bed that adjusts on both sides to your ideal comfort, your sleep number setting. does your bed do that?
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purchase age. part of the nra statement reads making it 21 years old for someone to purchase a gun for hunting or law-abiding citizens for the eeflt acts of criminals. we'll continue to oppose gun control measures that only serve to punish loud-abiding citizens. >> anyone running for office will have to articulate their position on this. what do you think with respect to now being the time perhaps for some compromise on the part of the nra. >> i should ad this is a -- i should add this is a time of
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great sorrow and angst in what we call the sunshine state. to your question, what effect would such a compromise have on preventing what happened in parkland? i would submit to you that it wouldn't have any effect at all. the president is trying to do the right thing and the nra is trying to do the right thing. this is part of the deliberative process. but if nikolas cruz is taking constitutional liberties, this is the time to defend students and defend schools. we have to create solutions that protect the kids. ned: if you look on statistics at the average age of mass shooters it's been 3:years old. raising the age to 21, most of
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of the mass shooters are over 21. we are having a debate about gun control which is a political agenda. i'm interested in having a debate about school safety. how do we get to the point where we have this debate. we have to look at the 1990 gun-free school zone act and have a serious discussion about training and arming teachers. if we had real solutions, you look back at the 1994-2004 assault weapons ban, it didn't solve any of the problems it
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purported to solve. let's have a conversation about what the veal solutions are, and i don't think what's being discussed right now is a real solution. >> it's what's dominating the mainstream media. but it feels like it's a powerful enough force that's gotten president trump's attention. he's an unorthodoxed president. if he does it, the white house says we would like to see the sage raised to 21 where it is federally for handguns. would you back the white house or separate from them? would you take the criticism and say hey, you are being paid by the nra to take a political position. >> if president trump is considered an unforth docked president. i'm all for unorthodoxy.
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he's the best thing to happen in this country in 30 years. this is a dwhrib a tough process and we need to listen to people different ideas. some ideas may not turn out to be the right ideas. charles: would you back president trump on this. if he says he thinks this would be the best thing to do, would you back him or say this is a one-off, i'm not going to change my position? >> if we can get to the point where the president may have a one-off, my allegiance is'united states constitution. ultimately that's my responsibility. so i would not be able to agree with that position. but let's go back to the president's ability to get to the right place on this, and i believe he will. the dow bouncing back after yesterday's sell-off.
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this still a lot of anxiety about the federal reserve. the federal reserve spoke up dan maybe that's why it closed higher. kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance. mom'#stuffynosecold #nosleep #mouthbreather just put on a breathe right strip it instantly opens your nose... up to 38% more than cold medicine alone go to today to request a free sample. i want you to pick a new truck for your mom or dad,
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charles: the dow and s & p snapped recent loss. but a great economy versus a fed that may be prepared to hike rates too quickly. can they coexist. mike murphy, and liz peak. mike, we'll start with you since it's the first time on the show. action you have been watching the last three weeks, the jobs report that was seen as a negative because inflation came back into the conversation.
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>> i like the way it's settling down. that volatility was unsustainable for a bit. but inflation typically is a negative. however, inflation forthright reasons isn't necessarily a negative. if we have strong underpinnings in the market to support activity, the' favre price earnings is 18.5 times earnings. charles: they have been struggling to get it up to 2%. >> i believe it was an overreaction. i think we are in a very good place right now. charles: we had two voting members speak out today. they are hitting the road and trying to articulate some calm. but we would love to hear from
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jay powell, the new man in charge of the fed. is it much ado about nothing or how concerned should we be? >> i don't think it's much ado about nothing. it's a different way investors are looking at the market. but i think it's totally right that the main thing going on here is we have a robust and possibly accelerated economy. the late yechtd readings i'm hearing from economists, 3.5% growth. mckenzie came stout with a study to adwrels the critical issue of productivity. is 3% growth sustainable? only if we get a nuke productivity. the labor restaighten won't keep
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us at 2% forever. there is a lot of questions about how we go forward from here. the leading indicators are good and sentiment is through the roof. the multiples on these stocks are still not excessively high. >> that's what people grapple with. the notion that main street is starting to see some tangible improvements in their lives. wages are going up. why would anyone in the federal government or federal reserved think this is the time to stop it. we were celebrating green shoots and embraced made octobe medioc. why not go for greatness? >> we need to see wage growth.
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then we got it. now we need gdp growth. i like the fact that they have been trying to telegraph what they are going to do. three or four interest rates this year forthright reason. charles: are you confident with jay powell leading the fed? >> until proved otherwise i am confident with it. charles: what matters most of, how wee feel about ourselves or how the rest of the world feels about us? we'll discuss it next. price ofo give investors even more value. and at $4.95, you can trade with a clear advantage. fidelity, where smarter investors will always be.
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charles: american satisfaction in this position, world at highest level since 2005, 45% of americans are satisfied with where u.s. stands, a 13% increase from a year ago, here with us david ponson . gayle trotter. and hugo, let's start with you, that is remarkable number. the chart of the drifting away, then a grow groundswell of optimism or appreciate shu apprr
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about we stand among our peers in the world we're above. >> interesting, we have a president who is putting america first, making decisions on the world stage that actually benefit america, instead of trying to be a global citizen. this is inversely proportionate to americans more satisfied with the job he is doing, and world leaders less satisfied. is that any surprise. charles: david, same gallup poll, rest of world views us in a negative light. remember president obama started his presidency with an apology tour, they loved that idea. you have another -- now a new president, saying, no, saying america first. and it may recall tales of ugly american abroad but at homemaks
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us feel good. >> i don't think you can ignore the economic aspect. you are right, obama apology tour was related to foreign policy, on heels of the unpopular iraq war with the complications. america, seeing our free market system with the flaws, you look at europe, and much different economic position, they are get something growth. i think that americans are able to see our free enterprise system gives us that superiority to a global stage. charles: hugo? >> i, okay agree with other panelists. what americans like is almost the thing that what some foreign people dislike. under president obama a lot of
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allies and enemies used to be able to take united states for granted. assuminassuming we'd be in parid on climate change. and what is happened now, in last year is that there is a president who showing that america cannot be taken for granted. he attacks syria when chemical weapons were used, and guess what, they have not been used again. he pulled out of the paris accord. no one is taking united states for granted which makes americans feel good and foreigners more -- cautious. charles: this is thing that president trump is the
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antithesis of what mainstream want. the more they hate them, feels that americans are more proud of his accomplishments. >> right, a big theme, in his campaign was the forgotten man and woman, president trump has a unique ability to go can be billionaire the globalist and speak their language, but he can take the message of the forgot an man and woman to the global leads. president obama was trying so hard to advance the global principles, president trump will not cede those bedrock since pehls. >> i think -- principles. >> i think cultural. a lot of people in world that dislike america, don't like what we stand for. i think you will see that number go higher and world ratings of
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us go lower the stronger we get culturally defending principles and values that made us americans. charles: even if the result is short of a whole world benefits from our increase strength and economic and military strength, they will still have an underlying resentment. >> that has been case historically, a little bit less true with western country, but europe right now has been the wild card. charles: stocks, ended the day high, where we my go and why. we'll talk about twitter, and vanishing followers yesterday, we'll be right back.
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charles: u.s. women's hockey team trachin traching taking hod
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charles: so another indecisive market day, struggled to hold to big gains early. in last 5 trading sessions this illustrates a worrisome pattern of a series of lower session high points. peaked at noon then the unraveling begins, this suggests that smart investors may be selling into rallies, this learned behavior of a overly emotional market, something like pavlov's dog, conditions to start selling. does not take a lot for it to snow ball. now this chart illustrating dow jones average is compelling in many ways, i look at a five-day chart, i see the patterns down, then a double bottom, and a reverse head and shoulders. the fed came to the rescue, wall
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street keeps blaming fed for recent weakness, you have members that are trying to promote calm, today two voting members of the fomc, federal reserve governor quarrels who said there would be three gradual rate hikes, anda raphael said need for rate hikes in proper perspective. said that banks have anticipated increase in rates. let's talk about feet of clay versus hands of stone. even before the dow up or down 500 or a thousand, i told you that a shake out period was coming. wilder the market becomes the more uncertainty grows. and strong hands can wilt to feet of clay. you have to focus on the
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underpinning economy. let's talk about the session, one of biggest losers was twitter, shares down 4% after a lockout cut size able chunks of followers from many conservative users, i asked for a clarification. a lot of people are asking about twitter lockout, could company provide criteria for racing followers while folks sleep. -- should not extent to muting opinions, company read in part, twit are's tools are a political, we enforce our rules without political bias. as part of our ongoing work. we identify suspicious account behave why arbehavior. that indicate violation of our policies, i heard from thousands of people who did not violate any rules. i want to bring in christian tate, a conservative author, and
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contributor at the hill, this big yesterday, on social media, conservatives feel this is not first time they have budget targeted by -- been targeted by one of the silicon valley companies, i felt that statement was disingenuous, these are real human being, not bots. >> twitter, claims it is purging bots and fake accounts. following mueller's announcement he is indicting 13 russian trolls, the site claims that its efforts of of a political, it s that the targeted are conservative accounts. only site pro trump and right wing posts as example of propaganda, this is despite fact mueller investigation found to russian were promoting both, pro trump and pro hillary clinton.
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there are a lot of questions. twitter their answer was insufficient. charles: also, what bothered me is the media, sort of took angle that, twitter was trying to combat right wing racist you know agitators, therefore hinting if your account was disrupted, maybe you fit that bill. >> the media's respond has been infuriating to many on the right, what is concerning to me is lack of transparency that twitter is using with regard toed thi methodology, a twitter account that retreats viral trump memes. there are many unanswered questions, but twitter need z to be careful, their stock has not been fantastic over the last two years. today, their stock is down by over 3%. and dow up by almost 200 points,
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these things matter. if you alien 8 hal -- i'll alief your users that will affect your bottom line. >> thank you. >> thank you. charles: coming up, as national concerconversation hones in on , how are we protecting our law enforcement officials. charles: the tragic war on cops is getting worse, when we come back. [hero] i'll take my chances.
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charles: another police officer was shot and killed yesterday in maryland, making him second police officer killed in u.s. in 12 hours after an early morning death of a police officer in alabama. safety is fol focal point of off nation's conservation right now.
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joining me now, retired nypd lieutenant, former u.s. army officer with stephen loomis. currently a detective in cleveland police department. stephen, it is remarkable how many police officers have died, been killed, this year. really you don't hardly hear about it, i know there has been a lot of headlines, these folks keep us safe. if we can't make sure they are safe then we're in trouble. >> absolutely. i think it speaks to violence and types of violent crimes and acts that are being perpetrated. we have increase in homicide rates in just about every large metropolitan city in the country. these folks, if they are willing to shoot at police officers,
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they are willing to shoot at anyone. charles: darren? >> attack on law enforcement is attack on us all, law enforcement is our first line of defense, we look at this increase in police shootings it looks like we'll eclipgh eclipse dangerous numbers of 2016, we had highest number of officer fatalities with shootings in last 5 years, this is a societal issue they are our first line of defense. i think this dates back to ferguson, ferguson effect, we refer to officers were off the size ostracized for doing their job that guess to obama administration obama administration. and look at eric garner situation, and castillo, someone in retribution shoot and kill officers in dallas, those collaboration of those, is
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something that is moved forward with this anti-police sentiment. charles: stephen, would you consider it open season on police officers, do you feel it is that bad right now? >> it certainly is bad. it is perpetrated by false narrative we continually hear from a small segment of society, 99% of the people just want to live in peace, they want to support their law enforcement. they are horrified at numbers and budget reductions. people are realizing it now. open season is -- we're training differently now. we have these consent decrees that are handcuffing the police officers, ferguson effect is in place right now, police officers are not doing the proactive policing they want to do.
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charles: on that note, i want to ask you, we just had development in last week's school shooting. we actually have broward county sheriff announcing that deputy scott peterson, who was at school in parkland, florida, he waited out site building for 4 minutes without going in he resigns after he was suspended without pay, initial react that i am getting on social media, people are shocked, upset, offended and you know, calling a coward. maybe we'll get more details, narrative is that, this is his job. this is what he signed up for. and to spring into action he didn't. >> at-this-point, we're speaking from a place of conjecture. i look at that compound, 300 plus students and bo one armed
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officer. >> he was on duty, a deputy sheriff, if it was you, you heard, would you wait 4 minutes. >> to my initial statement, this is say 3,000 -- >> would you have waited. >> no, but how long did it take, where was he positioned at the time. this is something i blame on the executive branch of that police department, in no way shape or form should one officer be responsible fo 3,000 plus studes at that school, we take into considering the slow response. i think that it is tragic, but we need a more empire call asset am beforassetment before we cane him. >> i agree. charles: all right. notion that he was suspended without pay, then resigned, justeds more you know -- makes it more heartbreaking situation,
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thank you very much. >> thank you. charles: well mainstream media laughs at president trump's warning, vicious ms-13 gang continues to widen their rein of terror, now administration plans to beat them once and for all, we'll be right back. hello. - hi. how's it going? - alright, how ya doing? - welcome! so, this is the all-new chevy traverse. what do ya think? this looks better than 99% of the suvs out there. it's very modern... sleek. maybe the most impressive part of the all-new traverse... is what's on the inside. surprise! what are you doing here? i've missed you guys. i haven't seen you guys in so long! what's happening? we flew her out. it's a family car, we had to put your family in it! yeah, it gets 7 thumbs up!
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>> they are killing people, not necessarily with guns that is not painful enough, they want to do it more painfully and slowly, we're getting them out by the thousands, putting them in jail. >> that is what we want, we need tougher people than they are, our people are a well the tougher than they are. charles: president trump today of addressing threats that brutal ms-13 gang poses to the communities, as new research by study reveals ms-13 has rebounded. and connected to irk raval of
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more tha.>> president trump lead aggressive crackdown on the gang. and pledges to implement tighter border policies in part to help keep america safe. will it as the gang continues to grow? artur, jeff sessions and the federal you know department law enforce. has been tough, they have cracked down, responding to local communities, yet ms-13 continues to spread. that is a frightening, something that makes it frightening. >> absolutely, unfortunately we have seen them grow as we've seen 300 thousand plus aliens pour over the border. they have micked in with that blow of people, also created a pool of individuals from whom they can recruit new members at united states. charles: darren, have you worked
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in law enforcement, with gangs, gang task noser. force. >> what is it about them? there is the void, sympathetic factor like sanctuary cities that are so misguided. >> you have to look at origin nation of ms-13, have you migrants from el salvador that settled in a los angeles area, a lot of people banded together, creates gangs, then deportation process occurred, so that being said, they already knew what the terrain was here, we look at the illegal immigration back into the united states, they already knew the pathway. charles: how do they get to places like long island. you work your way across the country. president trump called them
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franchises today, in multiple cities and states now. >> there is a, not a term but freight train that comes from that mexican border up east coast, they access that, a large part of what ms-13 is a part of is human traffics, they are trafficking illegal aliens across the border to places like new york, chicago, east coast, very brutal, the key tool is the machete, they cut arms off, and legs off. they are sending a message, unfortunately, i have to take a level of responsibility, we as law enforcement did not take them serious. and it resulted in this massive movement from el salvador to united states. charles: andrew, some of things in president trump's border proposal, the wall, more security, how effective will that be in curving this. >> absolutely effective, good to see justice department focus on
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this gang. two, we need to cut flow of unaccompanied alien children, most are almost adults, they come here form the backbone of the gang. charles: thank you very much. two hour lou dobbs, trish regan next. >> i am trish regan in for lou dobbs, president trump searching for answers and solutions after last week's school shooting in florida, president holding a second listening session with state and local officials to discuss ways to make our schools safe, we discuss president's effort to unite the country. with ed rollins, also robert mueller, filing new tax evasion charger again former trump campaign chairman paul manafort and hi, partner, still no evidee of any type of collusion. we take it


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